lunes, 23 de abril de 2007


:O! I have had a bit lonely my blog but here I am again ;D.. well, what have we done these past weeks? first of all we had 1 week of vacations which were truly necessary, in that week we rest a lot! and I went to yecora (: it is a very nice place with lots of trees and it was cold too!! last week we had exams ¬¬.. and I didn't get the grade I wanted, but what can we do? in this last week and final exams and projects I'll do the best I can ;)..

we have left approximately 2weeks! 1 of classes and another one of exams, and after that we're out of high school ;(.. I don't want it to end!! I loved my high school, I met a lot of people, made new friends, had lost of fun, it was great! but everything has it's cicle and we have to go on and see the good side of it, we will start studying what we want to be and we will meet new people. It was great being in this high school with these people, and I hope we never stop seeing each other :)

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2007


What can I say.. last friday we had the CENEVAL exam, and I have no idea how well I'm gonna do..
the whole last week we only review things to prepare ourselves for this exam, but we can't learn everything we should had learned in 3 years, in only 1 week, but oh well..

well, we are still working on the project, but we are having little problems with the scripts, but everything is ok, I hope we do well o the acting stuff, that's the thing I'm not good at all jajaja.. we have only 1 week left!
oh!.. also there's only 1 week left for our sprong break :DD.. we need it! I can't wait jaja :**

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2007

lunes, 26 de febrero de 2007

newton's law of cooling

1. What is the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
Well, this law finds the difference between the body temperature and the temperature of the environment it is located, this way we can find how much time has the body been dead. This is because the body temperature goes down in proportional to the environment after death.
2. What variables in your problem correspond with the variables in the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
Well, we have two different temperatures of the library, and we are speculating 3 different body temperatures of the body in both of the temperatures of the library. Also we are using the hours the problem gave us. The only thing we are adding to the problem is that his body temperature could be 100° at the time he was feeling better but not completely.
3. According to this Law, at what time approximately the death happened?
There are many possible answers to this question because we don’t know exactly what temperature he had at the time he died since we see that he had been sick for some days, but also he had been feeling better. So the answers can vary, and these are the possible times of his death:

Library Temp. Speculated Body Temp. Time of Death
75° 101° 8:44pm
98.6° 8:56pm
100° 8:49pm

70° 101° 8:43pm
98.6° 8:55pm
100° 8:48pm
4. How does the room temperature affect the time of death?
A dead body cools down in relation to the temperature of the environment it is located, so the more cold the environment is, the faster the body will cool down, and the closest both temperatures are, the cooling process won't be so fast. So, this is why we need to considerate temperatures to know time of death, and it can affect it depending on how cold or hot the room is.
5. How does an illness (e.g. fever) affect the time of death?
The fact that a person has fever when he or she dies, affects because it will take time for the body to cool down to the temperature of a normal person, and then cool down to the temperature of the room. It is difficult to solve because we would have to estimate his or her fever temperature, instead of just taking it like a healthy person's temperature.
6. How exact is the approximation of the Newton’s Law of Cooling for predicting the time of death?
It is a very close approximation if we have all the temperatures right, but if there's variations in the environment or in the body (for example illness), then it would be in one way or another not so close, but somehow it's still useful.

newton's law of cooling

1. What is the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
Well, this law finds the difference between the body temperature and the temperature of the environment it is located, this way we can find how much time has the body been dead. This is because the body temperature goes down in proportional to the environment after death.
2. What variables in your problem correspond with the variables in the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
Well, we have two different temperatures of the library, and we are speculating 3 different body temperatures of the body in both of the temperatures of the library. Also we are using the hours the problem gave us. The only thing we are adding to the problem is that his body temperature could be 100° at the time he was feeling better but not completely.
3. According to this Law, at what time approximately the death happened?
There are many possible answers to this question because we don’t know exactly what temperature he had at the time he died since we see that he had been sick for some days, but also he had been feeling better. So the answers can vary, and these are the possible times of his death:

Library Temp. Speculated Body Temp. Time of Death
75° 101° 8:44pm
98.6° 8:56pm
100° 8:49pm

70° 101° 8:43pm
98.6° 8:55pm
100° 8:48pm
4. How does the room temperature affect the time of death?
A dead body cools down in relation to the temperature of the environment it is located, so the more cold the environment is, the faster the body will cool down, and the closest both temperatures are, the cooling process won't be so fast. So, this is why we need to considerate temperatures to know time of death, and it can affect it depending on how cold or hot the room is.
5. How does an illness (e.g. fever) affect the time of death?
The fact that a person has fever when he or she dies, affects because it will take time for the body to cool down to the temperature of a normal person, and then cool down to the temperature of the room. It is difficult to solve because we would have to estimate his or her fever temperature, instead of just taking it like a healthy person's temperature.
6. How exact is the approximation of the Newton’s Law of Cooling for predicting the time of death?
It is a very close approximation if we have all the temperatures right, but if there's variations in the environment or in the body (for example illness), then it would be in one way or another not so close, but somehow it's still useful.

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2007

What methods are commonly used to find the time of death?
There are two very common methods.
* The rate method. It measures all the changes that there has been in the body since it was killed.
* The concurrence method. It compares events that happened that day at that time or close to that time, so the investigators can relate them with the crime.

What factors are considered in Algor Mortis?
temperature of the body, size of the body, clothing and coverings, air (humidity and movement of it), and immersion in water.

How does the environment affect the time of death?
Because it all depends on the circumstances the body died. The temperature it was that time can change the body temperature, also other things that can make it difficult for investigators are maybe animals, the dust in the crime scene, and some factors of the algor mortis.

What can you tell about the different methods of temperature reading of the body? Do they make a difference in the results?
There is no exact method we can use to know how did it die, how was it murdered, when was it killed, etc. All the methods investigators use are just to approximate to the actual results.

sábado, 17 de febrero de 2007


1. What is forensic science?
Forensic Science is the application of science to questions which are of interest to the legal system as well as social sciences such as archaeology.
It uses all kind of evidences to solve criminal cases.

2. What kind of evidence can be collected in a murder case?
Everything in a crime scene is helpful, fingerprints, footsteps, blood, body fluids, bruises in the body, hair, nails, any kind of weapon, etc. Also, investigators need to examine the body and see if there's something out of place, weird, etc.

3. Why is important to determine the time of death?
Because if the investigators knows the time of death, he or she can know since when its dead, and that could help in the investigation, to know which suspects can be the murderers, above other things.


I now have a calculus team =)!.. My team's name is: MACKBrand.
Who are we? What roles do we have? Well the members of my team are: clarissa, ale baldenebro, brando, martha, and me (kenya).
The roles each one of us has are:
Clarissa: Forensics
Ale Baldenebro: Journalist
Kenya: Math Expert
Brando: Math Expert
Martha: Media Expert
This is a good team ;D!!.. I like it, let's hope everything goes well =P.

sábado, 10 de febrero de 2007

week 3

Hi! well, this week we didn't see anything new, integrals and more integrals :).. also we did our calculus exam, and no very good results =(.. but next partial I hope everything goes better jaja..

I still don't have math team 8-).. I think its martha javier and me.. but I'm not sure! =S..

Ok then, that's all for now ;D.. see ya later :***

domingo, 28 de enero de 2007


Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)" We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found ourselves than by those which have occurred to others..."

What do you think about this quotation?
It is something true, we usually don't believe things until they happen to us, this is because we want to prove everything to be truly convinced. But this is not always, it depends about things people say to us or we hear.

This week in calculus we saw integrals, I like them jaja, they seem to be easy ;D, but I know they will get hard at some point jajaja :).

miércoles, 17 de enero de 2007


Why do you think this activity starts with the Martin Luther King Jr. quotation?

Because he is a very important person in history, he wanted that black people were treated with respect and the same way white people were treated. He always fought for what he wanted and now, thanks to him, there's not so much differences between white and black people.

When do you think you could use a Blog in this course?

Whenever we want, we can put what we learned in class, how do we feel, thoughts we have, etc.