lunes, 23 de abril de 2007


:O! I have had a bit lonely my blog but here I am again ;D.. well, what have we done these past weeks? first of all we had 1 week of vacations which were truly necessary, in that week we rest a lot! and I went to yecora (: it is a very nice place with lots of trees and it was cold too!! last week we had exams ¬¬.. and I didn't get the grade I wanted, but what can we do? in this last week and final exams and projects I'll do the best I can ;)..

we have left approximately 2weeks! 1 of classes and another one of exams, and after that we're out of high school ;(.. I don't want it to end!! I loved my high school, I met a lot of people, made new friends, had lost of fun, it was great! but everything has it's cicle and we have to go on and see the good side of it, we will start studying what we want to be and we will meet new people. It was great being in this high school with these people, and I hope we never stop seeing each other :)